Other Services

Other Services

At Jigsaw Psychology, our vision is to be an effective and compassionate psychology and counselling clinic with our client’s mental health and well being our priority. We offer a range of key services to support our clients in this:

Play-Based & Child-Friendly Therapies

“Play Therapy is based upon the fact that play is the child’s natural medium of self-expression” – Virginia Axline

Our Psychologists will most frequently offer individual Child-Centred Play Therapy sessions for children from 2 – 10 years who are experiencing psychosocial, emotional, behavioural &/or developmental difficulties.

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Parenting Education

At Jigsaw Psychology, we aim to support parents and families in treating and managing behaviours to improve the quality of life for both the young person and their family.

Jigsaw Psychologists regularly conduct kinder and school visits as we believe in a collaborative management approach. We also present education sessions within our local community throughout term. Please see www.parkorchards.org.au for upcoming events.

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Family Interventions

Family intervention focuses on the entire family system

Just as children and adolescents transition through developmental and life stages, so too do families. These transitions through differing stages often prove difficult due to the changing roles required.

Jigsaw Psychologists use a Family therapy treatment approach that enables family members to explore and understand roles within the family, identify and resolve conflicts and strengthen the overall functioning of the family. Using a strengths-based approach, family therapy seeks to strengthen relationships and promote healthy communication patterns to resolve conflict.

Family Therapy is not recognised as an eligible treatment intervention under a GP Mental Health Care Plan and therefore there are no eligible Medicare rebates however private health insurance may cover some costs involved.

Common Family concerns:

  • Sibling rivalry
  • Family conflict or stress
  • Family trauma
  • Grief or loss
  • Adjusting to divorce or separation
  • Family member with chronic illness
  • Family violence