Assessments and Reports
Assessments and Reports
Jigsaw Psychology offer an extensive assessment process to provide valuable information for you and your child. Prior to assessing children, our psychologists meet with parents to gain a thorough background history on the current concerns and child’s developmental history.
Jigsaw Psychology employs experienced psychologists with training and expertise in educational and developmental assessments. We liaise with Paediatricians and General Practitioners and provide detailed reports which are explained to the client in full and provide recommendations and referrals where necessary.

Why conduct an assessment?
Assessments can help answer common questions you might have, such as:
Assessments can help answer common questions you might have, such as:
- Why can’t my child follow more than one instruction at a time?
- Why does my child have poor focus and concentration?
- Why is my child so easily distracted?
- Why is my child so afraid of loud noises?
- Is my child gifted?
- Does my child have a learning difficulty or disorder?
- What are my child’s academic strengths and weaknesses?
- What interventions can help my child learn and function better?
- How can I help my child reach their full potential?
Assessment is used to:
- Understand and screen for Neurodiversity such as Autism and Adhd.
- Understand and screen for specific learning disorders (such as dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia)
- Assess for giftedness.
- Apply for special consideration in VCE
- Assess and apply for funding.
- Gain an overall profile of learning preferences and help plan for individual learning programs (ILPs)
- Determine school readiness and apply for early entry into school
- Identify underlying reasons for boredom or behavioural problems in the classroom or at home
Autism Diagnostic Assessments
Our Autism Diagnostic Assessments (package) includes the following:
- 1 Hour Intake and Assessment Session with Parent/s and Child/Adolescent or Parent only.
- 2-hour Cognitive Assessment Session with Child/Adolescent
- 1 hour Autism assessment such as ADOS/MIGDAS
- 1 Hour Feedback session with Recommendations
- Detailed Report provided at Feedback Session
Please note in the case of additional assessment sessions required, a standard fee will apply per additional session.
Cognitive Assessments
Cognitive assessments are a formal, standardised test of a person’s thinking, problem solving and reasoning abilities.
Jigsaw Psychology use a Cross- Battery Approach to assessments. Cross-battery assessment refers to the process by which psychologists use information from multiple test batteries to help guide diagnostic decisions and to gain a fuller picture of an individual’s cognitive abilities than can be ascertained using single-battery assessments.
Jigsaw Psychology use the Wechsler Preschool and Primary School Scales of Intelligence – 4th Edition (WPPSI-IV), the Wechsler Intellectual Scale for Children – 5th edition (WISC-V), the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scales- 4Th Edition (WAIS-IV), and the Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities (WJ-IV) which are standardised assessments.
- 1 Hour Intake and Assessment Session with Parent and/or Individual
- 2 x 1 Hour Assessment Session: WPPSI-IV or WISC-V (WJ-IV) or WAIS-IV
- 1 Hour Feedback Session with Recommendations
- Detailed Report provided at Feedback session
Please note in the case of additional assessment sessions required, a standard fee will apply per additional session.
Academic/Educational Assessments
Comprehensive Academic/Educational Assessments (containing both Cognitive and Achievement Assessments) help parents and educators gain insight to an individual’s unique learning profile and academic capacity.
Jigsaw Psychology use the standardised Wechsler Individual Achievement Test- third edition (WIAT-III) to assist in determining a child’s academic abilities.
A child/adolescent’s school will often request this type of assessment when a child/adolescent is having difficulty at school. The outcomes of the assessment help identify the academic strengths and weaknesses of a child/adolescent and provide valuable information when assessing for learning difficulties.
The results of the WIAT-III are then compared to the cognitive assessment results to determine any discrepancy between their cognitive abilities and actual academic performance.
- 1 hour Intake Session with Parents/s and Child/adolescent
- 2 x 1 hour Cognitive assessment: WPPSI-IV or WISC-IV;
- 2 x 1 hour academic/educational assessment sessions with Child/Adolescent: WIAT-III
- 1 x 1 hour Feedback session with Recommendations.
Detailed Report provided at Feedback Session.
Please note in the case of additional assessment sessions required, a standard fee will apply per additional session.